Tag Archives: offline marketing

What is a Smerfe Sales Manager?

What is the definition of a SMERFE sales manager?

Well to understand what a SMERFE sales manager is we must first know what the letters stand for.

S = Social

M = Military

E = Education

R = Religious

F = Fraternal

E = Entertainment

Some basic examples of SMERFE Clientele that I ...Read More

Tom Challan Review – Who Is This MLM Guru Superstar?

Tom Challan is one of the top MLM recruiters with his one of a kind closing style. He is also affiliate d with another highly specialized business professional Dani Johnson. He has been able to sponsor… are you ready for this?… over ...Read More

Do’s and Don’ts of Cold Calling

You’ve just purchased a targeted telemarketing list. Now what?

Now your sales representatives begin cold calling that list. Cold calling can be very effective, but all too often, the sale is hindered by poor cold calling etiquette. As a result, prospects are turned off by the ...Read More

The Youngevity Compensation Plan – How To Make Money With Youngevity

The Youngevity Comp Plan Explained

Youngevity is part of the Essential Life Sciences group, and is a network marketing company in the health and wellness industry. Like all network marketing companies, it is essential that you make sure you understand how the compensation plan works ...Read More

MLM Prospecting by Fishing Or by Hunting

There are two ways to prospecting in MLM Network Marketing Business: Fishing and Hunting. These two methods are directly opposite of each other. One method will build you a massive organization and make you a top earner and producer with your ...Read More

What is OBTM?

In one sense, OBTM (outbound telemarketing) can be easily and briefly described. It comprises a range of activities typically conducted through email and/or telephone, designed to contact potential prospects and convert them into those precious ‘live leads ‘ that are the precursors ...Read More

Is MLM Dead? Top 5 Reasons Multi-Level Marketing is on Its Way Out!

What a simple question to answer. Right? Not a chance. How in the world can a sixty year old business model shrivel up and disappear? The truth of the matter is that Multi-Level Marketing or MLM has its place in society. The problem is, this ...Read More

MLM Success – 3 Steps To A Successful MLM Business

If you want to build a successful network marketing business you are going to need to have 3 important steps in place. The purpose of this article is to outline those steps in more detail so you can have a better understanding of what it ...Read More

Internet Home Business Network Marketing

Are you in the market for an internet home business? Are you tired of driving to work and being a slave to the office? Try owning your own internet home based business through network marketing. Network marketing companies offer individuals the unique opportunity to own ...Read More

A Three Step Model to Running a Successful Internet Marketing Business

Running a successful internet marketing business isn’t as tough as it seems. Here’s a three step model to making money online. Discover exactly how you can plug into proven business models, proven marketing techniques and proven systems to build a full time income. It’s far ...Read More